
Thoughts on Marshall's bestselling geopolitics book, recollected in tranquility.

“Ah, well, those were the days, the projectionist thinks, changing reels in his empty palace. The age of gold, to phrase a coin..."

A community and literary publishing house I co-founded in Coventry.

"The Atacama Desert in Chile is one of the driest places on Earth..."

"It is not much good copying science out of a textbook onto your manuscript page..."

A review as much as an explanation of the quotation, from Plainspeak beginning, "The old sun waltzes through August. Hail!"

A long overdue update on my writing development services.


A community and literary publishing house I co-founded in Coventry.

A series of monthly, eco-art micro-residencies funded by Roads to City of Culture, in the run up to Coventry City of Culture 2020.