I’ve never tracked my reading before. A couple of years ago I started piling up books I’d read on one particular shelf, so at least I knew I’d read them. But now I have this, so I’ll archive my reading here, starting June 2022, with links to any thoughts I record about them.
June 2022
June 2023
June 2024 (ok, I deleted ‘recent’ from the post title)
Jorie Graham, [To] The Last [Be] Human
James Joyce, Ulysses (this may be here a while)
Boethius, The Consolation of Philosophy, trans. V. E. Watts
Fernando Pessoa, The Book of Disquiet, trans. Margaret Jull Costa
Colin Simms, Goshawk Poems
Madison McSweeney, The Doom that Came to Mellonville
To love is merely to grow tired of being alone: it is therefore both cowardly and a betrayal of ourselves.
Vicente Guedes (Fernando Pessoa), The Book of Disquiet, trans. Margaret Jull Costa